Opening "Power of Sport" and "Power of Dance"

24.11.23 @BXL.ART-NFT.Gallery
30 November 2023 by

"Michel Wathieu's ART(T) Focus" invites you to a symphony of perspectives and emotions woven into each masterpiece on display. Enter an artistic dreamscape that invites you to experience the magic of creation itself.

In front of his lens, for years now, images have caught his eye, images that freeze in an instant T, which changes him from the 25 images per second of his usual practice.

The subject of this exhibition is his accomplice models, or landscapes that he is presenting to you for the first time.

The photos are sometimes ‘raw’, simple, just as the model has given them to him, and sometimes the image frozen on his screen suddenly evokes other things, universes to be explored. Then it’s a purely imaginary creative process, made up of montages, graphics and computer-generated images (nothing but HI, never AI).

Exhibition open until 06 January 2024
Opening times: Friday and Saturday, 11am to 5pm.

Otherwise by appointment

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